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Text-only Rikishi information

List of Juryo

Oizumi Takashi

Highest Rank     Juryo 15
Real Name        SHIN# Mitsube#
Birth Date       January 8, 1914
Shusshin         Osaka-fu, Kishiwada-shi
Height and Weight176 cm 107 kg
Heya             Takekuma
Shikona          Shinko# - Oizumi - Oizumi Takashi
Hatsu Dohyo      1932.02
Intai            1943.05

Career Record    67-67-9/134 (20 basho)
  In Juryo       6-9/15 (1 basho)
  In Makushita   30-25-8/55 (8 basho)
  In Sandanme    27-31-1/58 (9 basho)
  In Jonidan     4-2/6 (1 basho)
  In Mae-zumo    1 basho

1932.02 Mz                      0-0
1932.03 ??
1932.05 ??
1932.10 ??
1933.01 ??
1933.05 ??
1934.01 ??
1934.05 Sd33w                   4-2
1935.01 Sd9e                    1-5
1935.05 Jd3w                    4-2
1936.01 Sd14e                   3-3
1936.05 Sd9e                    3-3
1937.01 Sd6w                    1-4-1
1937.05 Sd31w                   4-3
1938.01 Sd8w                    3-4
1938.05 Sd19w                   4-3
1939.01 Ms40w                   3-4
1939.05 Sd2w                    4-4
1940.01 Ms47w                   7-1
1940.05 Ms10w                   4-4
1941.01 Ms6w                    5-3
1941.05 Ms1e                    3-5
1942.01 Ms8w                    5-3
Oizumi Takashi
1942.05 J15e    O**OO*O**OO**** 6-9
1943.01 Ms3e                    3-5
1943.05 Ms18e                   0-0-8

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