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Text-only Rikishi information

List of Juryo


Highest Rank     Juryo 3
Shusshin         -
Heya             -
Shikona          Shigeishi# - Waniishi
Hatsu Dohyo      unknown
Intai            unknown

Career Record    61-51-1d-6a-2o/121 (19 basho)
  In Juryo       61-51-1d-6a-2o/121 (19 basho)

1838.10 J30                     0-0
1839.03 J30                     0-0
1839.11 ??
1840.02 J30                     0-0
1840.10 ??
1841.01 J9w                     5-4-1a
1841.11 J30                     0-0
1842.02 ??
1842.10 J10e                    6-3
1843.01 J9e                     0-0
1843.10 J9e                     4-2-1a
1844.01 J10e                    5-3-1a
1844.10 J7e                     4-4-1a
1845.03 J5e                     3-4-1a-1o
1845.11 J4e                     4-3
1846.03 J3e                     2-1-1o
1846.11 J7e                     5-5
1847.03 J7e                     6-2-1d
1847.11 J5e                     5-5
1848.01 J4e                     4-6
1848.11 J5e                     4-6
1849.03 J4e                     4-3-1a

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