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Text-only Rikishi information

List of Maegashira

Yoshinoiwa Tomekichi

Highest Rank     Maegashira 5
Real Name        TAKASHIMA# Tomekichi
Birth Date       March 8, 1906
Shusshin         Tokushima-ken, Anan-shi
Death Date       January 30, 1954 (47 years)
Height and Weight173 cm 82 kg
Heya             Dewanoumi
Shikona          Yoshinoiwa Tomekichi
Hatsu Dohyo      1926.01 (Makushita)
Intai            1935.05

Career Record    53-75/128 (12 basho)
  In Makuuchi    22-33/55 (5 basho)
   As Maegashira 22-33/55 (5 basho)
  In Juryo       31-42/73 (7 basho)

1926.01 ??
1926.05 ??
1927.01 ??
1927.03 ??
1927.05 ??
1927.10 ??
1928.01 ??
1928.03 ??
1928.05 ??
1928.10 ??
1929.01 ??
1929.03 ??
1929.05 ??
1929.09 ??
1930.01 ??
1930.03 ??
1930.05 ??
1930.10 ??
1931.01 ??
1931.03 ??
Yoshinoiwa Tomekichi
1931.05 J9e     *OO*O*OOO*O     7-4
1931.10 J9e     ****O*O****     2-9
1932.01 ??
1932.02 J1e     *O*OO***        3-5
1932.03 J1e     **OOO***O*      4-6
1932.05 J4w     *OOO**OO**O     6-5
1932.10 J4w     ***OOOOO*OO     7-4
1933.01 M7e     *OO**OOOO**     6-5
1933.05 M5w     O*O*O******     3-8
1934.01 M13e    **OOOO**%O*     6-5
1934.05 M9e     *O**O*O**OO     5-6
1935.01 M13w    *****O**O**     2-9
1935.05 J4w     ****O*****O     2-9

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