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List of Sekiwake

Otohira Kichitaro

Highest Rank     Sekiwake
Real Name        ABE Kichitaro
Birth Date       February 5, 1889
Shusshin         Miyagi-ken, Oshika-gun
Death Date       August 7, 1963 (74 years)
Height and Weight176 cm 98 kg
Heya             Minezaki
Shikona          Kanenohana Kichitaro - Otohira Kichitaro
Hatsu Dohyo      1906.05 (Jonokuchi)
Intai            1922.05
KabuOguruma Bungoro

Career Record    93-81-47-3d-6a/183 (24 basho)
  In Makuuchi    78-77-47-2d-6a/163 (21 basho), 1 Jun-Yusho, 2 Kinboshi
   As Sekiwake   3-7/10 (1 basho)
   As Maegashira 75-70-47-2d-6a/153 (20 basho), 1 Jun-Yusho, 2 Kinboshi
  In Juryo       10-4-1d/15 (2 basho), 1 Yusho
  In Makushita   5-0/5 (1 basho), 1 Yusho

1906.05 ??
1907.01 ??
1907.05 ??
1908.01 ??
1908.05 ??
1909.01 ??
1909.06 ??
1910.01 ??
1910.06 ??
Kanenohana Kichitaro
1911.02 Ms7e                    5-0    Yusho
1911.06 J2w     *O***O-OOO      5-4
1912.01 J1e     O-OOOO-x--      5-0-1d Yusho (1st)
1912.05 M10w    **O*OOO*--      4-4-2
1913.01 M5w     OO***aO*aO      4-4-2a
1913.05 M5e     O*O*O**OxO      5-4-1d
1914.01 M5e     ----------      0-0-10
1914.05 M11w    O*O*aO*O*x      4-4-1d-1a
1915.01 M4w     O**OOOOO*a      6-3-1a
1915.06 M1w     O*---OO*--      3-2-5
1916.01 M1w     ***OO*****      2-8
1916.05 M7w     *aOOOOOOOO      8-1-1a Jun-Yusho (1st) Kinboshi
Otohira Kichitaro
1917.01 S1e     O***O*O***      3-7
1917.05 M5e     *O***OO**O      4-6
1918.01 M4w     ***O**----      1-5-4
1918.05 M10w    ***OO*O-O*      4-5-1
1919.01 M9w     O***O*OOO*      5-5    Kinboshi
1919.05 M2w     ****OO*OOO      5-5
1920.01 M5w     ***O*OOOO*      5-5
1920.05 M5e     aO**O-OOOO      6-2-1-1a
1921.01 M1e     ***-------      0-3-7
1921.05 M13w    OOOOO*O*OO      8-2
1922.01 M2w     *O*-------      1-2-7
1922.05 M12e    ----------      0-0-10

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