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List of Sekiwake

Miyagino Umagoro

Highest Rank     Sekiwake
Real Name        KAWASHIMA# Shigeyoshi (Monjuro)
Birth Date       May 5, 1793
Shusshin         Chiba-ken, Chiba-shi
Death Date       July 16, 1849 (56 years)
Height and Weight197 cm
Heya             Kiriyama
Shikona          Arauma Monzo - Arauma Daigoro - Miyagino Umagoro
Hatsu Dohyo      1814.04 (Maegashira)
Intai            1835.01

Career Record    127-94-126-26d-5a-9o/261 (41 basho)
  In Makuuchi    127-94-126-26d-5a-9o/261 (41 basho)
   As Sekiwake   3-1-5-1o/5 (1 basho)
   As Komusubi   68-56-67-15d-3a-4o/146 (23 basho)
   As Maegashira 56-37-54-11d-2a-4o/110 (17 basho)

Arauma Monzo
1814.04 M4w                     5-2-2-1d
1814.11 M1e                     0-3-7
Arauma Daigoro
1815.03 M1e                     0-0-10
1815.11 M5w                     4-4-1d-1o
1816.03 M4w                     3-1-2-1d-1a
1816.10 M1e                     4-2-1-1d-1a-1o
1817.01 M2e                     5-3-2
1817.10 M1e                     3-3-2-2d
1818.02 M1w                     7-2-1d
1818.10 K1e                     6-2-1d-1o
1819.03 M1e                     5-3-2d
1819.11 M1e                     4-3-1-2d
1820.03 M1e                     3-2-1o
1820.10 M1e                     7-2-1o
1821.02 K1e                     5-2-1-2d
1821.10 ??
1822.01 K1e                     4-3-2-1d
1822.10 K1e                     6-2-1-1d
1823.02 K1e                     4-1-1-1o
1823.10 K1e                     5-2-1-1d-1a
1824.01 K1e                     0-0-10
1824.10 M1e                     0-0-10
1825.01 M1e                     3-2-5
1825.10 K1e                     3-4-3
1826.01 K1e                     4-4-2
1826.10 K1e                     5-2-2-1d
1827.03 K1e                     1-0-6
1827.11 K1w                     2-2-1-1a
1828.03 S1w                     3-1-5-1o
1828.10 K1e                     7-2-1
1829.02 K1e                     0-0-7
1829.10 K1e                     3-4-2-1o
1830.03 K1e                     3-4-3
1830.11 K1e                     2-3-2-3d
1831.02 K1e                     3-4-2-1d
1831.11 K1e                     2-4-1-1d
1832.11 K1e                     2-3-2-2d-1a
Miyagino Umagoro
1833.02 K1e                     1-3-4-1d-1o
1833.11 K1e                     0-0-8
1834.01 K1e                     0-5-5
1834.11 M1e                     3-5-2
1835.01 M3e                     0-0-10

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