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Text-only Rikishi information

Kumagai Mitsuharu

Highest Rank     Jonidan 112
Real Name        KUMAGAI Mitsuharu
Birth Date       March 17, 1976
Shusshin         Aichi-ken, Nagoya-shi, Kita-ku
Height and Weight174 cm 134 kg
Heya             Musashigawa
Shikona          Kumagai Mitsuharu
Hatsu Dohyo      1991.03
Intai            1992.01

Career Record    13-15-7/28 (6 basho)
  In Jonidan     2-5-7/7 (2 basho)
  In Jonokuchi   11-10/21 (3 basho)
  In Mae-zumo    1 basho

Kumagai Mitsuharu
1991.03 Mz                      0-0
1991.05 Jk16w   *-O--*O--O*--O- 4-3
1991.07 Jd116e  *-*-*-O-*--O--* 2-5
1991.09 Jk6e    -*-O-O*-*--*-O- 3-4
1991.11 Jk10e   O--**-O--O-*-O- 4-3
1992.01 Jd112w  --------------- 0-0-7

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