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Game Rules
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Hoshitori Game Rules

  A hoshitori is a game that involves picking the men you think
will be good winners in the coming basho. Each rikishi gets from
1 to 13 points, assigned by the entry, for each time he wins
during the 15-day tournament. There are other ways to earn extra
points as well (see below).
  The entry with the most points at the end is the winner, of course. 

  Entries (one per person) are due by noon (JST) on Shonichi (the 
starting Sunday) for the basho.


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+                           Hoshitori Rules:                                +
+                           ----------------                                +
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   To become a cyber-rikishi, you first have to think up a shikona
   (sumo name) to call yourself. Then, each basho, simply pick

      O  Any 13 makuuchi rikishi that you think will do well,
      O  A substitue, in case a rikishi leaves the basho, and
      O  2 tie-breakers, in case two players finish at the same score.
   Review the banzuke (list of rankings) for this basho. If you can,
   also take a look at the banzuke for prior bashos to see if there
   is a trend in some particular rikishi.


   Put your 13 makuuchi rikishi in order: the top guy gets 13 points
   for each win, the next man gets 12 points, and so on.  Note that
   your picks must be MAKUUCHI rikishi: that is, ANYONE FROM YOKOZUNA
   THROUGH MAEGASHIRA 16. No Juryo rikishi can be used. As you will
   soon see, they are not even listed in the web entry form...

   The winner is the one whose rikishi total the highest number of
   points at the end, including the following extra bonuses:

        a. Triple points for kin-boshi (a maegashira, komusubi, or
           sekiwake beats a Yokuzuna). For example: if a rikishi
           should get 5 points for a normal win, he would get 15 for
           beating Akebono.

        b. Double points for gin-boshi (a maegashira, komusubi, or
           sekiwake beats an Ozeki) 

           [Note that in real sumo, the Kyokai only gives kin-boshi
            to maegashira rikishi, and officially doesn't even
            record gin-boshi at all. We're the ones in charge here,

        c. 10 points for any of the 3 Sansho prizes. Note that
           these prizes are only awarded to maegashira, komusubi
           and sekiwake rikishi.

        d. If the yusho winner is in your list, he will get three
           extra wins for bagging the Emperor's Cup. Thus if his
           normal point score is 8, he would get an extra 24 points
           for the yusho, on top of the regular points he got for his

        e. Each rikishi on your list will get an extra 10 points for
           kachikoshi, but will lose 10 points for makekoshi. This will 
           be a one-time addition/subtraction at the time of his 8th
           win/loss.  If he is 15-0 or 8-7, he gets just 10 points,
           and if he is 7-8 or 0-15, he loses just 10 points.


   The substiute covers the event of one rikishi leaving the basho.
   The sub will assume the same point level for all torikumi on days
   when the injured/sick rikishi is not called by the yobidashi. The
   injured rikishi IS responsible for his loss by fusenpai (forfeit),
   though, and the sub cannot replace him on that day. If more than
   one rikishi pulls out, the substitute will count only for the first
   to exit. 
   If a rikishi goes out and then returns, the sub's performance will 
   still count for the days after fusenpai and up until the return of 
   the main rikishi. The substitute then can be used for one more 


   Ties for the yusho are broken in the time-honoured Japanese tradition: 
   jan-ken-pon, (aka paper-scissors-stone). Note that the actual words
   used in Japan are Pa (paper) Gu (rock) and Choki (scissors). Please
   include two choices on your entry form (e.g., paper/stone, gu/pa,
   choki/gu, stone/scissors). If more than two choices are needed to
   produce a winner, the cyber-rikishi involved will be contacted via email.


   Please keep your shikona (sumo name) to a maximum of 13 characters. 
   Results will be posted on the sumo mailing list and on the Web
   pages by shikona. No spaces or odd characters can be used. Only
   one shikona per person is possible.


   The entries have to arrive by 12:00 noon, Japan time, on Shonichi 
   (first day of the basho). You can change and resubmit your entry as 
   you like. The last entry is the one which will be used.

   If a selected rikishi withdraws from the tournament before it starts, 
   and a player who selected him does not change his selections by the 
   deadline, then the withdrawn rikishi is removed from the selections, 
   everyone below him moves up one spot, the sub moves into the 1pt slot, 
   and a new sub, the highest ranked rikishi who wasn't already selected 
   by the player, is assigned.


   The hoshitori now has sansho awards that mirror (at least in name)
   the awards found in real sumo. They are awarded as follows:

   Shukun-sho (Outstanding Performance)     kachi-koshi player with 
                                            the largest kin/gin-boshi 
                                            bonus total        

   Gino-sho   (Technique)                   kachi-koshi player with
                                            the biggest (upwards) 
                                            jump on any one day  

   Kanto-sho  (Fighting Spirit)             player with lowest average
                                            daily position that still 
                                            manages to make kachi-koshi


   Sometimes, list members offer prizes like a real banzuke,
   some TV video tapes, or sumo trinkets grabbed by people visiting 
   the Kokugikan. These prizes can be given to the first or second
   placed cyber-rikishi, or the sansho award winners, or whatever.
   They vary and may or may not be offered for any given basho.


   If you do well over a number of basho you have a chance to become a
   cyber sanyaku, cyber-ozeki, or cyber-yokozuna. Each player
   participating in a basho will have their final position converted
   into "win-loss equivalent" score. This makes the highest and lowest
   possible scores 15-0 and 0-15, as in real sumo.  Specifically, to
   get n wins you have to beat n/15ths of the players in the
   basho. This means, for example, that for the equivalent of
   kachi-koshi (8-7), you need to be in the top 46.7% of the table.
   The top player (and only the top player) will have a zensho yusho
   score of 15-0.

   A kachi-koshi (more wins than losses) score will always result in a
   promotion, and a make-koshi (more losses than wins) will result in
   a demotion, according to the following table:

    A                   N U M B E R   O F   W I N S
    N  -----------------------------------------------------------------
    K  | 15  14  13  12  11  10  9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
   Oe  | Y   Y   Y   Y   Oe  Oe  Ow  Oh  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  
   Ow  | Oe  Oe  Oe  Oe  Oe  Ow  Oh  Oh  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  
   Oh  | Oe  Oe  Ow  Ow  Ow  Ow  Oh  Oh  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  Ok  
   Ok  | Ow  Ow  Ow  Ow  Ow  Ow  Oh  Oh  Se  Se  Se  Se  Se  Se  Se  Se  
   Se  | Ow  Ow  Oh  Oh  Oh  Se  Sw  Sh  Ke  Kw  M1  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  
   Sw  | Ow  Se  Se  Se  Se  Sw  Sw  Sh  Kw  M1  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  
   Sh  | Oh  Se  Se  Sw  Sw  Sw  Sh  Sh  Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  
   Ke  | Se  Se  Se  Sw  Sw  Sw  Sh  Sh  M1  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  
   Kw  | Se  Se  Sw  Sw  Sw  Sh  Sh  Ke  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  M8  
   M1  | Se  Sw  Sw  Sw  Sh  Sh  Ke  Kw  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  M8  M9  
   M2  | Sw  Sw  Sw  Sh  Sh  Ke  Kw  M1  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  M8  M9  M10 
   M3  | Sw  Sw  Sh  Sh  Ke  Kw  Kw  M1  M4  M5  M6  M7  M8  M9  M10 M11 
   M4  | Sw  Sh  Sh  Ke  Kw  Kw  M1  M2  M5  M6  M7  M8  M9  M10 M11 M12 
   M5  | Sh  Sh  Ke  Ke  Kw  Kw  M1  M2  M6  M7  M8  M9  M10 M11 M12 M13 
   M6  | Sh  Ke  Ke  Ke  Kw  M1  M2  M3  M7  M8  M9  M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 
   M7  | Ke  Ke  Ke  Kw  Kw  M1  M2  M3  M8  M9  M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 
   M8  | Ke  Ke  Kw  Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M9  M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 J1  
   M9  | Ke  Ke  Kw  Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 J1  J1     
   M10 | Ke  Ke  Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 J1  J1  J1  
   M11 | Ke  Ke  Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M12 M13 M14 M15 J1  J1  J1  J1  
   M12 | Ke  Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M13 M14 M15 J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  
   M13 | Ke  Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M14 M15 J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  
   M14 | Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  M15 J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  
   M15 | Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  
   M16 | Kw  M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  J1  
   J1  | M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  M8  J2  J2  J2  J2  J2  J2  J2  J2  
   J2  | M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  M8  J3  J3  J3  J3  J3  J3  J3  J3  
   J3  | M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  M8  J4  J4  J4  J4  J4  J4  J4  J4  
   J4  | etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

   New players start at the M16 level, and follow exactly the same 
   promotion rules as those above. This means that the M16 rank
   distinguishes them from regular players without putting them at the
   disadvantage of requiring a disproportionately long climb to reach

   The promotion of Sekiwake to Ozeki is subject an extra rule: He must 
   have a 3-basho record prior to the promotion of 34 or more wins.

   The promotion of East Ozeki to Yokozuna is subject to some extra rules. 
   Notably the following is required:
       a) a 3-basho record (the last two as Ozeki) of 39 or more wins, with
          none of the contributing records less than 11-4.
       b) To show the ability to actually win, one yusho or jun-yusho
          at any time in the history of the contest, or one instance of
          consecutive 14-1 records.
   There is no limit on the number of Yokozuna.
   The demotion (retirement) criteria for a Yokozuna is failure to meet 
   45 wins in six successive basho (absences count as 7 wins).
   A retired Yokozuna may enter in subsequent tournaments from the M16 rank.

   Changing shikona is OK, but it can only change your luck, not your
   rank... The exception to this is when any player reaches J16, when
   they'll be allowed to humanely retire their current incarnation, and
   start again from M16. 

   Every player is allowed to take one basho off without the absence
   affecting their rank (a "kosho"). However, being absent from a basho
   when you were also absent from the immediately previous basho will be
   regarded as a losing 0-15 score. That is, two consecutive absences means
   one 0-15 penalty, three consecutive absences means two 0-15 penalties,
   etc. Once a player re-enters the contest after one or more absences they
   are again allowed to miss one basho as a kosho without affecting their
   rank. For example, a pattern of absence, basho entry, absence, basho entry,
   absence, basho entry, etc., would incur no penalties (all the absences
   would be treated as kosho).

13) TIPS

   For the top of your list, try to pick the rikishi who should
   get 10 or more wins, as they will boost your total the most,
   obviously. Some of the Maegashira who really sucked in the prior
   basho and dropped way down will also be likely to get a decent
   record this time, and are often good picks.  Also, take into
   account that a couple of kin/gin-boshi bonuses can transform an 8-7
   or 9-6 result into the equivalent of 13 or 14 wins.

   For the point levels of around 1-4 points, you can take shots at
   rikishi who may be overdue for the occasional 10-11 win basho. The
   kachi-koshi bonus (and make-koshi penalty) is *big*, though, so
   another tactic is to avoid "risky" selections altogether and
   try instead to identify the "elevator rikishi" who tend to move up
   and down the banzuke with scores close to 8-7 and 7-8 each basho 
   (of course, the idea is to ride the elevator on the way `up' and to
   jump off when they're on the way down...).

   Be objective, and don't pick just the ones you like the most.
