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List of Maegashira

Sakuragawa Keijiro

Highest Rank     Maegashira 2
Real Name        KIMURA Keijiro
Birth Date       May 17, 1886
Shusshin         Aomori-ken, Kuroishi-shi
Death Date       February 25, 1924 (37 years)
Height and Weight167 cm 105 kg
Heya             Tatsutayama
Shikona          Takanomori - Sakuragawa Keijiro - Sakuragawa Gorozo - Sakuragawa Keijiro
Hatsu Dohyo      1903.01 (Jonokuchi)
Intai            1917.01

Career Record    52-44-13-9d-2a/107 (15 basho)
  In Makuuchi    29-34-13-3d-1a/67 (8 basho)
   As Maegashira 29-34-13-3d-1a/67 (8 basho)
  In Juryo       14-10-5d-1a/30 (5 basho), 1 Yusho
  In Makushita   9-0-1d/10 (2 basho), 2 Yusho

1903.01 ??
1903.05 ??
1904.01 ??
1904.05 ??
1905.01 ??
1905.05 ??
1906.01 ??
1906.05 ??
1907.01 ??
1907.05 ??
1908.01 ??
1908.05 ??
1909.01 ??
Sakuragawa Keijiro
1909.06 Ms21e                   4-0-1d Yusho
1910.01 ??
1910.06 Ms14w                   5-0    Yusho
1911.02 J7e     O-O-*-O-x*      3-2-1d
1911.06 J2e     OOOOOxxO*x      6-1-3d Yusho (1st)
1912.01 M15w    OO*O*aOOx*      5-3-1d-1a
1912.05 M10e    OO**x-O*OO      5-3-1-1d
Sakuragawa Gorozo
1913.01 M5e     -O*O**O*xO      4-4-1-1d
1913.05 M2w     *****O*OO*      3-7
1914.01 M5w     *O****OO**      3-7
1914.05 M12e    O**O-**OO*      4-5-1
1915.01 M13e    *OOOOO****      5-5
1915.06 M10w    ----------      0-0-10
Sakuragawa Keijiro
1916.01 J1w     ***x*O-O*O      3-5-1d
1916.05 J7w     *-*-O-O-a-      2-2-1a
1917.01 J10e    ----------      0-0

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