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List of Sekiwake

Otoiwa Kaemon

Highest Rank     Sekiwake
Real Name        MOCHIDA# Kaemon - Yoshimura Kaemon
Birth Date       April 13, 1890
Shusshin         Fukuoka-ken, Itoshima-gun
Death Date       April 5, 1950 (59 years)
Height and Weight175 cm 101 kg
Heya             Dewanoumi
Shikona          Otoiwa Kaemon
Hatsu Dohyo      1909.01
Intai            1925.05
KabuYamawake Kaemon

Career Record    82-84-28-9d-4a/179 (25 basho)
  In Makuuchi    64-70-28-9d-3a/146 (17 basho), 1 Kinboshi
   As Sekiwake   5-4-1d/10 (1 basho)
   As Komusubi   3-5-2d/10 (1 basho)
   As Maegashira 56-61-28-6d-3a/126 (15 basho), 1 Kinboshi
  In Juryo       18-14-1a/33 (6 basho)
  In Makushita   0-0/0 (1 basho)
  In Mae-zumo    1 basho

Otoiwa Kaemon
1909.01 Mz                      0-0
1909.06 ??
1910.01 ??
1910.06 ??
1911.02 ??
1911.06 ??
1912.01 ??
1912.05 ??
1913.01 ??
1913.05 ??
1914.01 J15w    -*-O-*-O-O      3-2
1914.05 J8e     -a-O-O-O-*      3-1-1a
1915.01 J4e     -*-O-*-O-*      2-3
1915.06 J10e    -*-*-*-*--      0-4
1916.01 Ms                      0-0
1916.05 J6e     O-O-O-*-O-      4-1
1917.01 M17w    -aO***----      1-3-5-1a
1917.05 J1w     O-O*OOO**O      6-3
1918.01 M11e    *O**OOOO**      5-5
1918.05 M8e     OOO*O*O**O      6-4
1919.01 M2e     O-*aOO*OO*      5-3-1-1a
1919.05 M2e     **OO*OOOOO      7-3    Kinboshi
1920.01 M1e     *O*OO*****      3-7
1920.05 M6w     ***x*O*O**      2-7-1d
1921.01 M8w     Oa**OOOO**      5-4-1a
1921.05 M4e     OOO*O**OOx      6-3-1d
1922.01 S1e     *OO*Ox*OO*      5-4-1d
1922.05 K1w     xx**OO***O      3-5-2d
1923.01 M2e     ***O*x**--      1-6-2-1d
1923.05 M10w    **-----**OO     2-4-5
1924.01 M14w    Ox*OOOO***      5-4-1d
1924.05 M5e     OOOO*O**x*O     6-4-1d
1925.01 M4e     -----------     0-0-11
1925.05 M15w    **O**xO----     2-4-4-1d

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